Celebrating 25 Years

Computers365 Ltd has been operating since 1998.


“Helping the smaller business to understand and improve the utilisation of their
information technology systems”

Celebrating 25 Years

1998 – 2023

Happy Birthday to Us!

This year Computers365 Ltd turns 25.

Yes, doesn’t time time go quick!

Offering continued IT/Internet support to the smaller business, just with a few more grey hairs!!

We will be making an announcement shortly on how we will be celebrating this milestone.

At this time we feel that part of the events will be raising monies for some local & national charities.

Watch this space…

Many Thanks

Computers365 Ltd

Computers365 Ltd - Celebrating 25 Years in 2023

Tailored Solutions for Your Business Needs, allowing You to Stay Focused

Allow us to function as your virtual IT department, delivering a dependable and professional service utilizing the necessary solutions.